Best Neurosurgery Hospital in Bangalore | Sakra World Hospital
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Sakra Department of Neurosurgery

Sakra Neurosurgery

Best Neurosurgery Hospital in Bangalore


Neurological conditions are diseases and disorders affecting the brain, spinal cord and nerves which are the leading causes of disability around the world. The Sakra Institute of Neuroscience, recognized as a neuroscience hospital in Bangalore,  offers the most innovative, advanced treatments and therapies for all diseases of the nervous system. We have one of the most comprehensive programs in the country, featuring world-renowned specialists who perform advanced procedures from spine surgery to endoscopic skull base surgery.

Sakra is the best neurosurgery hospital in Bangalore, India with experienced neurologists providing neuro care treatments and surgeries. The Department of Neurosurgery at Sakra is one of the leading edges of treating neurological conditions using the latest innovations and techniques in neurosurgery such as Neuro Navigation system, Biplane Hybrid OT, Endoscopic Neurosurgery theater, Spine Surgery theater with image guidance and Deep Brain Stimulation surgery as well as Epilepsy Surgery procedures.

What makes Sakra different from other medical centers?

Sakra is one of the top neurology providers in the country. The departments of Neuro-radiology, neuro-inhabitation, neuro-nurses, and neuro-intensives work to form a well-integrated and dedicated team. This well-integration among our team members provides our patients various benefits such as faster recovery, early return to work and cost-effectiveness along with the best treatment and care.

Uniqueness at Sakra:
  1. We maintain the standardization of care.
  2. We use high technology-Neuro-rehabilitation: Neuromonitoring is done at the senior-most level- best for Intra-operative. Our best neurosurgeon in Bangalore works in collaboration with neuro-rehabilitation technicians to give better results.
  3. Our follow-up rate is 95%.
The Department of Neurosurgery is staffed by a team of clinicians highly trained in all facets of neurosciences, including neuro-oncology, spinal neurosurgery, and epilepsy surgery among others.

Key procedures
  1. We provide a full spectrum of neurosurgery that includes tumour surgery, vascular surgery, spine surgery, movement epilepsy, movement disorder procedures, trauma and spinal tumour surgery.
  2. Among tumour surgery, skull-based tumours surgery is the most commonly performed. Moreover, we have exhaustive experience in dealing with pituitary tumours, acoustic tumours and skull-based meningioma, For example, in pituitary tumours, we carry out both endoscopic and micro-surgical procedures which is unique at Sakra Institute of Neurosciences.
  3. In acoustic tumours the key is facial preservation and brain-stem preservation, both are done extremely well at our department and have achieved excellent results.
  4. We have vast experience in neuro-vascular procedures involving cerebrovascular aneurysms, arteriovenous malformations (AVMs), and tumour embolization.
  5. Another speciality in the department of neurosurgery is that we are highly experienced in performing complex procedures such as Intra-medullary tumours; these are the tumours that grow inside the spinal cord, most frequently occurring in the cervical region. We have unique experience in dealing with this complex procedure with 85-90% success rate.
  6. Among cranio-vertebral junctions, Sakra ranks the highest series in the state. We carry out meningioma neurofibroma, among others with a 90-95% of success rate with a significant recovery pattern where patients hardly go to ventilators

Team of Neurosurgery


Sakra Blogs

Videos of Neurosurgery
Understanding the signs of Brain Tumor | Sakra World Hospital

Exploring the Warning Signs of Brain Tumors with Dr. Shylesh M P, Neurosurgery Associate Consultant at Sakra World Hospital, Bangalore. Learn about severe headaches, nausea, vomiting, walking difficulties, speech disorders, and personality changes indicating a brain tumor. To book an appointment, visit: or Call: 080 4969 4969 Toll Free: 1800 202 4969 About Sakra World Hospital: Sakra World Hospital is the Best Multispecialty Hospital In Bangalore. With over 200+ doctors with expertise across the healthcare sector, Sakra World Hospital has existed for over 5 years as the leading multi-specialty hospital in Bangalore. With over 35 specialties, Sakra World Hospital is located at Marathahalli and has been holding its position as the best hospital in Bangalore since its existence. Visit Our Hospital Website: Follow Us On Instagram: Follow Us On Facebook: Follow Us On Twitter: Follow Us On LinkedIn: #sakraworldhospital #multispecialityhospitalinbangalore #bestnervespecialistinbangalore #braintumorawareness #warningsigns #brainhealth #neurologicalhealth #braintumordetection

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Sakra is one of the Best Neurosurgery Hospital in Marathahalli providing highly advanced surgical treatment for a wide range of neuro conditions. We have a panel of experienced neurosurgeons, supported by medical staff who are committed to providing comprehensive care. Contact us now to get treated by our Best Neurosurgeons in Bangalore.

Frequently Asked Questions

Neurosurgery or Neurological surgery is the medical speciality that deals with the study of care of the brain and spinal cord, including diseases and injuries of the nerves such as Cerebral haemorrhages, Cerebrovascular conditions such as aneurysms and vascular malformations, brain and spinal cord tumours, Spinal surgeries including laminectomies and fusions, Spinal cord injuries and Traumatic brain injuries.

The different types of neurosurgery are Brain tumour, craniotomy, ventricular shunt, spine surgery,  Endovascular Neurosurgery, Pediatric Neurosurgery and Traumatic surgery.

It depends on the type of neurosurgery you have undergone, and the time of recovery varies from person to person. Usually, you might stay in the hospital for 3 to 10 days after surgery, you are allowed to go home once you start to recover.

A neurosurgeon specializes in the surgical treatment of the brain, spine, and nervous system. The common reasons why you need to see a neurosurgeon are if you have health problems such as low back pain, epilepsy, stroke, sciatica, Parkinson’s disease, spinal tumors, head, neck, or spine injuries, pinched nerves, and chronic pain. Choosing the Best Neurosurgery Hospital in Bangalore, such as at Sakra Hospital, can ensure you receive the highest quality care for these conditions.

A neurologist is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment, and management of neurology conditions. Whereas, a neurosurgeon is a doctor who specializes in the surgical treatment of neurology disorders and conditions.

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