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Patients of Joint Replacement Surgery celebrated World Osteoarthritis Day; performed Yoga and walked on the ramp

Sakra World Hospital celebrated World Arthritis Day by hosting a one of a kind fashion event last Saturday. And the participants were none other than the patients who underwent successful joint replacement surgeries! Nearly 20 people walked the ramp and even demonstrated yoga on stage. This was mainly carried out to hear success stories straight from patients who have been freed from the clutches of Arthritis, and inturn instill positivity and hope in people who are still suffering from the disease.

At the event, Dr. Chandrasekhar, Head of Department, Sakra Institute of Bone and Joints, was also felicitated for introducing 'Computer Assisted Knee Joint Replacement Surgery' technique and also for doing the highest number of knee joint replacement surgeries using minimally invasive computer assisted knee replacement surgery. Dr. Chandrasekhar P, who is renowned in his field was also the chief guest at the event. He has earned recognition for conducting various types of complex joint surgeries that include joint preservation and replacement surgeries.

He also talked about how small lifestyle changes could help prevent arthritis.“One should exercise routinely to maintain the flexibility of the bones. Don’t smoke as it can lead you to develop rheumatic arthritis. Consume a low-fat diet; increase the consumption of whole grains, fruits and vegetables. People who eat such foods are on a low risk of developing arthritis. Consume more of vitamin C if you are an arthritis, patient,” he said.

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