Division of Haematopathology - Sakra World Hospital.
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The Division of Haematopathology and clinical pathology has expertise in all aspects of the diagnostic evaluation blood, bone marrow and body fluids.

We emphasize on quality, a broad test menu, state-of-the-art testing, and algorithm-based expert pathologist interpretation that follows international guidelines. We work closely with the treating physicians to give a comprehensive diagnosis for patients with anaemia, haematologic malignancies, bleeding and clotting disorders. We provide advice not only on the most appropriate test for diagnosis, but also the circumstances in which additional expensive testing may not be needed.

Some of the services offered are

Bone Marrow Consultation

Comprehensive reporting of bone marrow follows the ISLH guidelines which includes evaluation of prepared peripheral blood smears, bone marrow aspirate smears, touch imprints, core biopsies and clot sections (if available).

Haematopathology Morphology

Evaluation of complete blood counts (CBC) with reflex microscopic review of cellular morphology in peripheral blood and body fluids whenever required.

Metabolic Haematology

Detection of abnormal haemoglobins (e.g., sickle cell disease), red blood cell enzyme deficiencies (e.g., G-6-PD) and cytoskeletal abnormalities (e.g., hereditary spherocytosis) and also screening for thalassemia is performed.

Comprehensive haemostasis and thrombosis work up

We offer expert interpretation of laboratory results that are integrated with the patient’s medical and drug history and provide additional recommendations for further evaluation of patients with haemostasis disorders.

Algorithm based testing is performed to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of patients who may have bleeding or clotting disorders such as lupus anticoagulant, protein C/S or Antithrombin deficiency.


Comprehensive analysis of physical and chemical characteristics of the submitted urine is performed using automated analyzers followed by reflex microscopic examination if certain tests are positive.


Dr. Shabnam Roohi

Director - Laboratory Medicine
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